Informatii generale



The “Friends with AI” project is an eTwinning project focused on cooperation among   students from four countries through online tools.  The aim is to explore as well as share experiences and knowledge among   participants.

Objectives of the project:

  • support the development of participants’ language skills through communication and cooperation in English language
  • develop pupils’ skills in the area of ​​presentation, communication and cooperation, which contributes to their personal and professional growth
  • develop pupils’ technological skills, including working with online tools, digital creation and virtual communication

Project cooperation process:

  • Project registration and introduction of teams
  • Logo creation
  • Safety of work on the project
  • Content creation: All activities have a collaborative nature created through Web2.0 tools
  • Teams share their created content and discuss their findings through online communication tools such as a forum and virtual conference.
  • Final product: In the final phase of the project, teams work together to create a joint work
  • Evaluation
  • Dissemination

Expected results: a common e-book, online games

Increased awareness among project participants. Creating relationships and international cooperation between students from different countries.

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